Ensuring fairness and objectivity in recruiting educational public employeee

13/08/2023 - 09:24

On August 10, the Provincial People's Committee held a meeting to discuss the progress of recruiting educational plublic employee in Tuyen Quang province in 2023.

Comrade Nguyen Van Son, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee chaired the meeting. Attending the meeting were Mr. Hoang Viet Phuong, Member of the Executive Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; leaders of some departments, branches, People's Committees of districts and Tuyen Quang city.


Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Van Son chaired the meeting

At the meeting, leaders of the Department of Home Affairs reported on the progress of recruitment in 2023 and the announcement of the Provincial People's Committee on the recruitment of education officials in Tuyen Quang province. Leaders of People's Committees of districts and the city report on the recruitment of public employees in the area and the resolution of problems and difficulties related to this content.

At the meeting's conclusion, Nguyen Van Son, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, proposed that districts and the city organize the recruitment of public officials in the education sector in 2023. The aim is to ensure strict adherence to the law, transparency, and customer satisfaction. There must be no errors or negatives. Officials should proactively create the best conditions for recruitment and implement innovative methods of setting up topics and content in line with the job openings.

The Education and Training Departments are directed by the People's Committees of districts and the city to enhance their propaganda efforts toward provincial teachers regarding the regulations, subjects, and recruitment methods for the current recruitment round.

The Comrade Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee has tasked the Department of Home Affairs with reviewing and promptly addressing issues at the facility. The department will advise the Provincial People's Committee on how to solve these problems and organize recruitment according to the prescribed timeline.

Previously, the Provincial People's Committee also announced the recruitment of education officials in Tuyen Quang province. The special recruitment for teachers has been completed according to Document No. 5378/BNV-CCVC dated November 5, 2019 of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The Provincial People's Committee plans to recruit education officers in 2023 and 2024 through a recruitment exam. Qualified preschool teachers with labor contracts from Decision No. 60/2011/QD-TTg will also undergo a recruitment exam in 2024. Applications must be submitted by August 21, and the recruitment of public employees will be completed by September 1, 2023.

Translated by VT

Source: baotuyenquang.com.vn



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